Labor and Unions
Our labor collections include the AFL-CIO records and personal papers of union leaders. This material spans various formats and covers decades of American history. These resources are wonderful for the study of labor, unions and the individual players in this history. These materials also help researchers better understand pivotal social movements in this country, including those to gain rights for women, children and minorities.
Collection Strengths
- History of AFL-CIO
- AFL-CIO administration, organization, constituent groups and programs
- Local labor organizations
- North American 20th century labor movements
- Memorabilia (posters, fliers, buttons, etc)
This material is non-circulating and only accessible in the Maryland Room in Hornbake Library. Some material is available digitally.

Benjamin Blake
Digitized Resources
- The Carpenter Magazine
A publication produced by the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America of newsworthy events within the union.
- AFL-CIO News
A publication produced by the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO). Volumes 1-25 (1956-1980) are available; each volume can be searched separately by keyword.
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