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Faculty Office

A large wooden desk with storage shelves and cabinets facing a wide window into the library. The desk has a small lamp on it and nearby is a compact storage unit with drawers and a narrow closet.

The Faculty Office is located on the 7th floor of McKeldin (Room 7233) and is intended primarily for quiet, individual work. Furniture includes three desks with PCs and ergonomic desk chairs to allow for up to three individuals at a time to work in the space. The room also contains a small table with four chairs for those who need a larger work space or need to complete group work, but please be mindful of the 7th floor's quiet study area designation. Other features of the room are a window providing natural light, a coat rack, wireless access, and multiple outlets or plug-ins for electronic devices.

The following policies apply for using this room:

  • This room is only for use by faculty or graduate students who work as instructors. This room should not be booked by undergraduate students.
  • The maximum reservation slot per day is 4 hours.
  • Up to three people may independently reserve the space during the same time slot.

To reserve the Faculty Office, search for an available time slot and submit your booking. 

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