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  1. Can I use another browser to create pages in Hippo (e.g. Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, etc.)
    We recommend Firefox. Some spacing and image issues have been reported by Authors and Editors working in other browsers, so use Firefox for the best results.
  2. I created a table and would like to add text below it. How can I do that?
    Mouse over to the bottom of the page, use right arrow key to get out of the table.
  3. Is the Left Sidebar mandatory?
    The Left Sidebar, where the Child Menu is hosted, used to be mandatory. It’s recommended, but you can opt to hide it with good reason.
  4. Can two people edit the same file at the same time? 
    No, once a file has been opened, Hippo will lock the file until the Author or Editor who has opened it closes it by clicking the red x in the tab for that files at the top of the page.
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