Report a Problem
Get Help with Library Resources
Report a problem with getting or accessing materials, for example:
- Clicked on a link and got an error message
- Clicked on a link and it took me to the wrong item
- It says Held by the University of Maryland, but I can't get to it
Get Help with your Library Account
Report a problem with your library account, for example:
- Correct your contact information
- Edit a hold request, or get an update on an item you requested
- Cannot renew items
Get Help with Billing
For billing questions, e.g. to dispute a fine or claim an item as returned, complete the Billing Inquiry form.
Get Help with the Website
Report a problem with the website using the Website Feedback Form
Get Help with Library Computers
Public computers in the campus libraries are maintained by the University Libraries. Seek help from a nearby staff member.
Get Help with Other Technical Issues
Contact the campus IT Support for questions related to computing and email accounts, wireless network access, virus protection, computer labs, and more.