UMD Government Information Librarian Celina McDonald awarded 2024 Bernadine Abbott Hoduski Founders Award
McDonald was recognized for significant contributions to the field of government documents librarianship.

Celina McDonald, UMD Libraries’ Government Information and Criminology Librarian, has been awarded the 2024 Bernadine Abbott Hoduski Founders Award for Federal Government Information by The Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) of the American Library Association for her outstanding work in the field of government documents librarianship. McDonald has been an integral part of UMD Libraries and our role as a Federal Depository Library since she started in 2012.
“From the beginning, Celina has been at the forefront of government information at UMD, both as a curator and overseer of our federal depository collection and as an excellent educator who inspires her colleagues to include government information in their teaching and research practices,” said Yelena Luckert, UMD Libraries’ Director of Research, Teaching, and Learning. “Celina makes major contributions to understanding government information on campus and in the region. Her work greatly benefits the Libraries, the university community, the region, and the profession.”
In her work, McDonald teaches information literacy classes to students and webinars for the UMD community that instruct on how to find and use government information. She tirelessly responds to complex reference inquiries that can only be answered with her level of experience and expertise.
McDonald’s work extends beyond the UMD community. UMD Libraries is the regional Federal Depository Library for Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia, meaning the Libraries has one of the most comprehensive government information collections in the region. The purpose of the Federal Depository Library Program is to provide the public with free, ready, and permanent access to Federal Government information. As the curator and overseer of our federal depository collection, she provides meetings and seminars for citizens of Maryland, Delaware, and Washington, D.C. on topics like how to use electronic and tangible finding aids, seamlessly blending old and new tools. She has also sat on numerous boards and committees dedicated to promoting the field of government information and depository libraries.
“Receiving this award is truly an honor. It feels incredible to know that people can see and appreciate all of the work that is being done,” said McDonald. “It's also very humbling as so much of the work is only possible because of the support and assistance of my colleagues.”
The Bernadine Abbott Hoduski Founders Award recognizes documents librarians who have made significant contributions to the field of state, international, local, or federal documents. This award recognizes those whose contributions have benefited not only the individual's institution but also the profession. McDonald will be recognized at the GODORT Awards Ceremony at the 2024 ALA Annual Conference & Exhibition in San Diego, California.