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Announcing 2024 issue of UMD Libraries’ Illumination Magazine

Read the latest issue of UMD Libraries annual magazine, Illumination.

Cover and inside spread of Illumination magazine.

The University of Maryland Libraries is pleased to share the latest issue of our annual Illumination magazine. Read about how UMD Libraries is navigating the ever changing scope of libraries while remaining steadfast to the core mission—to organize and preserve knowledge, enhance equitable access to information and services, and serve as a resource to our communities’ intellectual and cultural needs.

Highlights from this issue include: Libraries as Labs, highlighting the experimentation, investigation, and creation that happens in libraries; Parting thoughts from Dean of Libraries Adriene Lim, Lim shares the story of her career path, some wisdom she’s gained along the way, and her thoughts on the future of librarianship; and Short on Time, Big on Impact, about three students making the most out of their three week “sprinternship” with UMD Libraries. Plus, are fingerprints unique to every individual?

Read Illumination 2024.

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