TOME@UMD Now Accepting Applications for Open Access Publishing Grants
Following successful pilot project, additional funding available for 2023-2024

TOME@UMD, a program of the national TOME initiative, is now accepting applications for four grants of up to $15,000 each that will sponsor the publication of open access, digital monographs by UMD faculty members. In addition, TOME@UMD will fund the open access publication of two previously published monographs up to $5,500 each. With a deadline of October 16, 2023, the process calls for an Expression of Interest from eligible faculty in all disciplines, but with preference given for those in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
Funded monographs will be published by a participating university press under a Creative Commons (CC) license and will be made openly accessible through a digital repository, such as DRUM - the Digital Repository for University of Maryland.
All UMD faculty members are eligible and encouraged to apply, including tenure-stream, permanent-status-stream, and PTK faculty.
TOME@UMD is made possible through a partnership with UMD’s Office of the Provost, the College of Arts and Humanities, the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, and the Libraries. Learn more about author and manuscript eligibility and the application process.
Questions about TOME@UMD? Contact Daniel Mack, Associate Dean of Libraries, at