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Request Duplication of Special Collections

Review the information below for details on Special Collections duplication services, including duplication fees, format options, delivery timeframe, and preferred citation format.

person holding cell phone with camera function open looking at documents

Special Collections provide digitization and duplication services for most special collections and archival material. These services will be assessed and may be denied or limited due to the following:

  • The physical condition of the item
  • Permissions or rights restrictions
  • Limited staff time and resources

Contact us for more information about remote and onsite options for duplication of Special Collections material.

Citations, Copyright, and Permission to Publish

When citing materials, researchers should include the following information:

  • Title or short description
  • Item date
  • Copyright notice (if applicable)
  • Creator (if known)
  • Title of the collection
  • Credit line - "Special Collections and University Archives, University of Maryland Libraries."


Viewer mail to Count von Count, 1973; Children's Television Workshop records; Special Collections and University Archives, University of Maryland Libraries.

May Queen 1969; copyright University of Maryland; Michael Parker, photographer; Adele Stamp Papers; Special Collections and University Archives, University of Maryland Libraries.

Contact us for help with citations.

The Libraries generally do not own the copyright to materials in its collection. Unless the University is the owner of the copyright, we cannot give or deny permission to publish or otherwise distribute material in its collections. Transmission or reproduction of protected items beyond what is deemed a fair use of those items under copyright law requires the written permission of the copyright owners. It is the requester's obligation to determine if a particular use is fair and to obtain permission to engage in a use that is not fair. However, the very nature of archival materials sometimes makes it difficult, if not impossible, to determine who is the owner of copyright in such materials and what restrictions on use, if any, apply. The Libraries will furnish information it has, if any, regarding the owner of copyright and restrictions on use for particular material. It cannot and will not make any warranty or representation, express or implied, oral or in writing, that a particular use of archival material is not an infringement of any copyright or property right of any third party. It is entirely the responsibility of the requester to determine and ensure that use of material fully complies with copyright law and other possible restrictions on use.

The Libraries recognize that high-quality reproductions of copyrighted materials are characterized by attributes that make them particularly susceptible to infringing uses. For example, a primary attribute of scanned (digitized) works is the ease and speed with which that scanned material can be reproduced in print or electronic format and distributed or transmitted over networks to great numbers of recipients. Similarly, digital works can be displayed electronically at many locations at once, calling into play the exclusive right of the copyright holder to control public display. Finally, digitized works can be easily manipulated in a computer, by distorting, modifying or deleting content, or copyright ownership and other information, thereby compromising the reliability of the underlying work. 

The Libraries reserve the right to refuse to accept a request to scan material if in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law.

Requesters must certify that they have received permission from the copyright holder when appropriate.

The University is not the copyright holder for the majority of materials within Special Collections. As a result, we may only provide copies of our materials to researchers for private study, scholarship, or research, as authorized by U.S. copyright law. If researchers wish to use our materials for other purposes, including publication, they have responsibility to determine if the proposed use qualifies as a “fair use” under current U.S. copyright law, or if the permission of the copyright owner and/or payment of a fee is/are required. Because the University does not hold the copyright in most SCUA materials, SCUA cannot grant any such permission.

Queries regarding permissions, publication rights and copyright status of materials within the collections should be directed to the appropriate curator(s). Users wishing to receive permission to publish materials in which the University of Maryland does own the copyright will need to complete a request to use University copyrighted materials contained in our collections for purposes other than personal research and scholarship. SCUA reserves the right to assess a use fee.

If copies from our holdings have been acquired for publication, broadcast, or other commercial use, the researcher must agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the University of Maryland Libraries and the University of Maryland System, its Board of Regents, the University of Maryland, its officers, employees and agents against all claims, demands, costs, and expenses including all attorney's fees incurred by copyright infringement or any other legal or regulatory course of action arising from the use of the Libraries' Special Collections holdings.

Remote and Onsite Duplication

Researchers visiting our reading rooms are permitted to make copies using:

  • A personal camera or cell phone (no flash photography)
  • Large format overhead scanners (for book collections only)
  • Digital microfilm readers to scan images from microfilm and microfiche 

Scanning archival collections using the overhead scanners is not permitted

  • Researchers can submit requests in the reading room for high resolution or PDF scans of archival materials to be completed by our staff. 

Duplication services are available for researchers unable to visit the reading rooms. 

  • Remote duplication orders are submitted and delivered to your Special Collections Account.
  • Before submitting a remote duplication order, contact us for the estimated page count to determine the duplication fee and delivery timeframe.
  • Duplication orders over 300 pages must be approved by Special Collections staff.

How to Submit Duplication Requests

Review information on duplication fees, delivery timeframe, and payment information before submitting your duplication order. 

Follow the steps below to submit requests for duplication of Special Collections materials directly from the Archival Collections, UMD Discover, and Digital Collections databases.

For more detailed instructions on submitting duplication orders, consult our Access Special Collections at UMD guide.

Contact us for assistance submitting your duplication request.

  • Locate the items in Archival Collections database
  • Click "Request Box”, in the top right hand corner
    • If the "Request Box" button is not there, contact us to complete this request
  • Click “Request Box” again on the next page to confirm your selection
  • Click on the request in the list of "Unsubmitted Requests" to view the request
  • Click "Request Copy"
  • Complete the duplication order form
    • Provide as much information as possible about the items and pages you would like to have copied
  • Click "Submit Request"
  • Locate items in UMD Discover
  • Click "Request from Special Collections" 
  • Click "Request Copy" at the top
  • Complete the duplication request form
    • Be specific about what items and pages you would like to have copied
  • Select "Submit Request"
  • Locate items you would like to view in Digital Collections
  • Use the clipping tool in the top left corner of the screen to save a copy of the image immediately; the file will save to your computer 

To request high resolution copies of items in Digital Collections:

  • Click on "Request from Special Collections"
  • Complete the duplication form 
  • Click "Submit Request"

Duplication Fees and Payment

Payment must be received and processed before duplication orders can be delivered. You will receive an email notification once your payment has been processed and the duplication order is completed.

We accept payment by

  • Credit Card (preferred method, minimum charge $15)
  • Check/Money Order made payable to the "University of Maryland"
  • Bank Wire Transfers ($15 surcharge)

All orders submitted by a patron during a single research visit will be combined to one order for the purposes of billing. For international orders, an additional $15 flat shipping rate fee will be charged.

Review the duplication fees below.

Non-profit and individual use

PDF scanning is recommended for images used for personal research.


Fee Page count per month
Free 0-50
$25 51-100
$34 101-150
$46 151-200
$58 201-250
$72 251-300


PDF scanning orders over 300 pages must be approved by staff. Contact us for more information. 

High resolution digital scanning is recommended for images used in publications, broadcasts, and exhibitions.

Cost of High Resolution Scanning

  • Images in our Digital Collections
    • Free up to 10 images per month
    • $3 per image for each additional image
  • Images not previously digitized (or those requiring a higher resolution rescan)
    • Free up to 5 images per month
    • $5.00 per image for each additional image

Scanning orders for oversize or fragile materials may require digital photography may and take additional time to complete.

Duplication fees for audio-visual materials reformatted on site cover materials and cost of labor.

Cost of Audio-Visual Scanning

  • Free up to 3 hours of labor per month
  • $25 per hour for each additional hour

For materials that cannot be reformatted on site, staff may coordinate with a university-approved vendor. While vendor fees may vary, they generally start at $75/hour.

Commercial and for-profit use

The fee schedule for commercial and for-profit orders differs from the schedule for non-profit and individual use orders. Fees are not waived for commercial and for-profit duplication orders.

Cost of PDF Scanning


Fee Page count per month
$25 1-100
$34 101-150
$46 151-200
$58 201-250
$72 251-300

PDF scanning orders over 300 pages must be approved by staff. Contact us for more information.

High resolution digital scanning is recommended for images used in publications, broadcasts, and exhibitions.

Cost of High Resolution Scanning

  • Images in Digital Collections
    • $3 per image per month
  • Images not already digitized (or those requiring a higher resolution rescan)
    • $5 per image per month

Duplication fees for audio-visual materials for commercial/for-profit use are assessed at cost of labor, materials, and/or vendor charges.

Cost of Audio-Visual Scanning

  • Free up to 3 hours of labor per month
  • $35 per hour for each additional hour

Audio-visual materials that require conservation treatment before reformatting will involve more labor, and therefore incur higher costs.

Delivery Timeframe

Duplication orders may take up to 3 weeks to complete. 

Large or complex duplication orders, including duplication of audio-visual materials, will take additional time to complete and may be completed in stages due to limited staff time and resources.

High-resolution scanning of oversize or fragile materials may require digital photography and take additional time to complete.

Rush orders can be requested, but are not guaranteed. Contact us prior to submitting a rush order to ensure the order can be completed in the desired timeframe.

  • There is a $50.00 fee for orders needed within 1 to 3 business days. 

Track the Status of Your Duplication Order

As we process your request, you can check the current status of your order from your Special Collections Account

Sign into your Special Collections Account and select "Requests in Processing" under the "My Requests/Orders" menu item at the top. 

Select your duplication order and look status line.

  • Awaiting Request Processing - Duplication 
    • Your request for a duplication order has been received
  • Awaiting Item Delivery 
    • Your duplication order is being processed by staff 
  • Item Delivered
    • If you selected "Digital Download", your files are ready to download from your account

Completed Duplication Orders

Once your duplication order has been completed, you will receive an email notification to the email listed in your Special Collections Account.

Download your completed duplication order as soon as possible. Files are available for 30 days before they are automatically deleted from the server.

To download your completed duplication order:

  • Sign into your Special Collections Account
  • Click "Delivered Files" in the "My Requests/Orders" menu option at the top
  • Click your file to download
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