Make My Work Open
Open scholarship promotes knowledge equity, increases the readership for your work, and promotes Terp research across the globe. If you're looking for ways to make your work open, the Libraries are here to help!

UMD's Equitable Access Policy
At its meeting on April 6, 2022, University of Maryland's Senate voted to approve a new institutional policy that will advance equitable, open access to the University's research and scholarship. In accordance with the policy, all faculty commit to depositing (self-archiving) peer-reviewed versions of their scholarly articles into DRUM.
Our Equitable Access Policy website answers FAQ about the policy and provides information on how to submit your work, obtain a waiver, and negotiate with your publisher.

Repository Services (DRUM)
The Digital Repository at the University of Maryland (DRUM) is the digital archive for collecting, preserving, and providing access to works produced by university research. It is supported and developed by Digital Services and Technologies in the University of Maryland Libraries. There is no fee for using DRUM.
You can learn more about DRUM on the Libraries' website or head to the repository to search for research or deposit your own work.

Evaluating Open Access Publications
If you have questions about publishing open access for the first time or in a new-to-you journal title, you're not alone. OSS has compiled some recommendations to help you find, assess, and submit to OA titles with confidence.

Open Access Publisher Agreements and Journal Discounts
The UMD Libraries participates in a number of open access publisher agreements and journal discounts that are available to UMD authors.
To check if a journal you are interested in is covered under one of our agreements, or to browse what journals are currently covered by a publisher, please use our new search tool SciFree.

UMD Libraries Open Access Publishing Fund
The Libraries provides up to 50% of an APC for a publication in peer reviewed OA titles that provide certain meet certain requirements. Applications for the OA fund are generally opened in the fall semester of each academic year.
Any UMD faculty member, post-doctoral researcher, or currently enrolled graduate or undergraduate student whose article has been accepted may apply for funding.

TOME is a national initiative to advance open-access (OA) publishing of monographs in the humanities and social sciences. TOME’s goal is to make this important scholarship available to readers across the globe, without cost and access barriers. TOME@UMD is led by the University Libraries in partnership with the Office of the Senior Vice President and Provost, and the College of Arts and Humanities.
Applications for TOME are competitive and are announced when new funding is made available.