Inaugural Fisher Family Library Faculty Fellows for Inclusive Excellence Making an Impact at UMD Libraries
Marcus Ortiz and Alona Norwood, the two inaugural Fisher Family Library Faculty Fellows for Inclusive Excellence, arrived at UMD Libraries this fall to get started on their two-year appointments, and they have hit the ground running.
UMD Libraries Announces TRU-UA: Truth, Reconciliation, and Understanding in the University Archives
A new program established by the University of Maryland Libraries, Truth, Reconciliation, and Understanding in the University Archives (TRU-UA), will facilitate an in-depth exploration of critical issues associated with the histories and information included in the University Archives. This campus-wide educational and outreach program will provide rich opportunities for research and scholarship as well as special events, exhibitions, and publications to engage members of the UMD community and beyond.
Student-curated exhibition features one-of-a-kind pieces from UMD Libraries’ Prange Collection
Over the course of the fall semester, the undergraduate students in Dr. Alicia Volk’s Japanese Art in the 20th Century colloquium class (ARTH488J) spent hours on the fourth floor of Hornbake Library. That floor houses the Gordon W. Prange Collection, a vast and unique archive of rare Japanese print media consisting of books, magazines, newspapers, posters, maps, and other printed publications that were subjected to censorship by the occupying American forces from 1945 to 1949.
Applications now open for UMD Libraries’ Undergraduate Research Awards
Every year, the University of Maryland Libraries grants up to four $1,000 awards to undergraduate students who make impressive use of library materials in their research. The Undergraduate Research Awards were created to promote the value and use of library services and information resources in original research projects.
UMD Libraries Finals Success Guide 2024
Finals season can be overwhelming for anyone. You’ve got a lot on your plate, and we’re here to help you succeed. We've created this guide with resources and tips from the Libraries and Learning Success at the Teaching and Learning Transformation Center (TLTC), as well as, events and resources from across campus to help you get through finals. You've got this.Library Extended Hours for Finals
Celebrate Native and Indigenous Heritage Month with these books by native and indigenous authors
To help you celebrate Native and Indigenous Heritage Month this year, we’ve put together a list of 10 books by native and indigenous authors available to borrow through UMD Libraries.
Take Pride in Queer Lit with these books by LGBTQ+ authors available through UMD Libraries
Every October, the university celebrates Pride and LGBTQ+ History Month, with this year’s theme, “Queering Creation Brick by Brick.” UMD Libraries is committed to protecting and increasing representation of Queer Literature in our collections — in the 2022-2023 alone we spent $3,000+ to purchase over 170 Transgender and Bisexual Fiction and Poetry LAMBDA award winning books, and this category has been added to our automatic purchasing plan.
UMD Libraries now accepting applications for the Katherine Anne Porter Research Award
The University of Maryland Libraries’ Special Collections and University Archives (SCUA) invites applications for the inaugural Katherine Anne Porter Research Award.The award provides up to $2000 to support research in the Katherine Anne Porter papers and related holdings in SCUA. Students, faculty, and researchers from the UMD community and beyond are welcome to apply.
New “Homegrown” exhibition takes root in UMD Libraries’ Hornbake Library
A new exhibition has taken root in the Hornbake Library Gallery. “Homegrown: An Introduction to the Environmental Justice Movement” highlights how the environmental justice movement began with the rise of civil rights, labor, and environmentalism movements in the mid-twentieth century.
UMD Libraries’ Celebrates LatinX Heritage Month with 11 books by LatinX authors
To help you celebrate LatinX Heritage Month this year, we’ve put together a list of 11 books by LatinX authors available to borrow through UMD Libraries.